Lotus Gayatri Yantra 80cm

The Bestower of Illumination

Just like Gayatri Mantra is considered one of the Supreme Mantras among all the Mantras, Gayatri Yantra is also considered one of the most holy and auspicious Yantras. It is the visual geometrical and shining expression of the same frequency, the inner shining Sun (Savitur), the power of enlightenment. It is an ecstatic chant invoked by the enlightened sage Vishwamitra, mentioned in probably the most ancient spiritual literature on earth, the RIG VEDA.  This Mantra has been chanted by uncounted generations of yogis uplifting the vibrations of this world with its inherent power. In the modern western Yoga world, it has now found new appreciation for its transformative qualities.

Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

"O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three worlds, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge."

This dimensional Yantra Light Sculpture has been carefully created to resonate the qualities of Gayatri in space:

  • Spiritual strength
  • Mental Clarity
  • Enlightenment
  • Absorption in the inner Light
  • Protection from dark energies

In the outer circle the Mantra is in cut in the gold-plated wood and backlit with Led Lights. This resonates the energy of the Mantra which opens the backset inner doorways to the dimension of the divine heart, represented by the star and the petals. By still deeper absorption the Meditator can perceive the Inner doorway the Yoni represented by the inner triangle. By complete self-surrender to the Light he might merge into oneness, the central point of Light, the point of singularity, the divine Abode …Doorway after doorway, always deeper until we reach the point of oneness….


This Light sculpture is made on 7 different levels of wood and metal. It is gold plated, hand painted and decorated with acrylic molding. It contains 8 circles of Led Lights, dimmer, transformer, power plug and wire.

While creating this Yantras, as much as possible for us, we try to tune into the energy and wisdom of the Mantra invoking the divine effulgence.

€1,400.00 -